GEI SynEnergy Triad North America

Coal Export of USA Coal
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GEI Synenergy Triad North America Coal Export
 " Triad" projects will be built through out the United States in strategic locations. This gives GEI  the opportunity to provide employment & training opportunities to local communities. Economic Development will receive a needed boost.  (GEI) Global Enterprise International Inc. "Synenergy Triad North America " CTL projects include (Synenergy Petroleum, CTL & CTC Refineries) GEI is developing a  Triad of Refineries, Energy Production and Fuel Storage Farms. 

By doing so we assist the USA to eliminate dependency on foreign sources by building oil refineries, Refining Oil, Diesel & Jet Fuel Production, Natural Gas Power Plant, Fuel Storage Farms. By employing the Triad concept, one leg of the triangle is the building of a (Fuel Storage Farm) which allows us the capacity to store and lease vast quantities of fuels, fuel products. Which will also allow for leasing of tanks for temporary holding of fuel for our buying clientele. 

 Each triad location will boast a refinery, fuel storage farm and produce the energy necessary to run operate all three facilities.
Synenergy Triad North America
Synenergy Triad North America
Clean Energy Power Plant
Synenergy Triad North America
Fuel Storage Farm
Energy. Fuel. Power